• 8295 N Military Trail, Suite G
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

Complementary Cancer Care in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

Complementary Cancer Care in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida


Complementary cancer care, also known as integrative holistic cancer care, is one of the most promising cancer treatments available. It might provide you with the support you need to fight the sickness while still enjoying life.

The treatment consists of a series of therapies designed to provide you with the support and care you need to manage your cancer. We work with you to maintain a healthy immune system, dietary requirements, hormone levels and neurotransmitter levels. Prescribing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other dietary supplements may be part of our holistic treatment. We also address your emotional well-being, stress relief, detoxification, sleep, sex life, and productivity – we consider the whole body.

This curriculum is tailored to your personal needs because everyone is different, and everyone’s story is unique. It’s not a one-size-fits-all treatment, but rather a supportive supplement that will help you feel complete again.

An immune system failure is the most common cause of cancer. For years, it may go unnoticed. It’s easy to forget about the immune system until it fails to function properly, resulting in recurrent or chronic infections or cancer. Whether you've survived cancer before, are now battling it, or are at risk for it in the future, complementary cancer care can help you strengthen your immune system.

In any event, it’s essential to have your immune system operating as efficiently as possible. It's like trying to block water from coming in through a hole in the roof. As a temporary remedy, you can place a bucket on the ground to catch the water. The best solution – the permanent solution – is to have the roof repaired.


We offer an excellent program for anyone who is presently battling cancer, has been in remission, or has previously beaten cancer. If you’re unhappy with your present cancer treatment, if your chemotherapy isn’t working, if you’re tired of feeling weak and fatigued, or if you want to regain your strength after chemotherapy, complementary cancer care might be the answer. It's also a good option for those interested in Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT).


Complementary cancer care, as the name implies, is a type of complementary medicine that can be used in conjunction with the regular cancer therapies delivered by oncologists. We don’t think of it as an alternative cancer treatment, but rather as a physical and mental support system for your entire body. Cancer can break a person down, but we’re here to help you get back on your feet.

Complementary cancer care can help you achieve:

  • More energy and higher metabolism
  • Better quality sleep
  • Detoxification
  • Reduced mood swings
  • Less anxiety
  • Decreased depression
  • An overall sense of hope

It is, once again, a one-on-one treatment. We concentrate on what your body needs most to help you gain control of your health.


Because complementary cancer care treats the whole person, not just one ailment or area of the body, it is an excellent alternative treatment. It's all-natural, and it helps to balance out the harsh toxins that chemotherapy might give the body.

Dr. Kalitenko’s complementary cancer treatment is holistic, unlike traditional treatments. That means he makes sure your entire body is responding to vitamins and other nutrients effectively. He searches for any hormone blockers and ensures that your body is free of pollutants that might be causing trouble for you. He also focuses on spiritual healing, as well as detoxification and nutrition.

A holistic approach to cancer treatment may provide you with the support you need to reclaim your life. Rather than just surviving, you can thrive. Our approach has the potential to offer more than just supplementary assistance. It’s all about getting you back to where you belong on a physical, emotional and spiritual level so you can recover on all other levels.

Keep in mind, though, that results don’t appear out of nowhere. There is no such thing as a magical potion, and Dr. Kalitenko does not work miracles. For exceptional outcomes, you’ll need to stick to your end of the bargain, being as tenacious and motivated as possible.

The healing potential of your immune system can be unleashed when your body receives the nutrition it needs.


There are risks associated with all medical interventions. Because this is such a specialized treatment, the risks differ from one patient to the next.

Make certain you have confidence in your physician. During your session, ask them any questions you have in order to fully comprehend the dangers and benefits. You can make an informed decision about whether or not the treatment is right for you under the guidance of a physician. As the saying goes, if you want a rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain. You must embrace a certain degree of risk if you want excellent results.

Consider the other side of the equation: how risky is it to ignore your body in the event of cancer?


Dr. Kalitenko knows how cancer affects a person. He understands the mental and physical distress that comes with it, and the overwhelming amount of information and solutions that are available. He believes in the efficacy of complementary cancer care, which he discovered through his own personal experience with cancer.

Dr. Kalitenko’s father died from an aggressive prostate cancer. Following that, he checked his own prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which can be used to identify prostate cancer. His PSA level was greater than it should have been. He was not interested in the solutions that traditional medicine offered but desired a holistic, natural approach with no medications. In his research, he came upon complementary cancer care. He began giving himself the treatment. When his PSA dropped, he felt confident enough in the treatment to use it in his medical practice.

Rather than treating your symptoms, Dr. Kalitenko concentrates on addressing the fundamental cause of your problem. To accomplish this, he employs the principles of functional medicine and biofeedback to ask your body what’s wrong and what needs to be done. Your body is always sending out reliable signals of what’s wrong because it’s always attempting to repair itself. Dr. Kalitenko also uses traditional medicine’s most effective procedures, such as personal history, physical exams, blood tests and imaging investigations.

Dr. Kalitenko balances his patients’ immune systems, hormones and minerals, as well as neurotransmitters, microelements and vitamins, to obtain the greatest results possible. Detoxification is also a critical component of our therapy strategy.


Don’t wait until your cancer has progressed to the point where it can no longer be reversed! When it comes to the immune system, determining when additional therapy is required can be difficult. Dr. Kalitenko can assess all of your body’s levels so you can make an informed decision about your health.

The best time to be saved from falling down a cliff is before you go over the edge! Getting help too soon is far better than too late.

Dr. Kalitenko wants to change your life just like he changed his own. Call us to schedule an appointment today! Our office is located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and is conveniently accessible from anywhere in the West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens areas.